ABD - Legacy Edition Addons
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New commerce license-based product SKUs were made generally available on January 10th, 2022. Since then, various migration capabilities have been enabled to enable partners to make the transition more easily from tradition license-based (legacy) to new commerce product skus.
Partners can see these deprecated legacy offers in the old price lists flagged as DEPR, meaning they are only in new commerce. Partners with DEPR legacy offers cannot purchase new subscriptions, but their existing subscriptions will continue to function and renew. Partners can verify the renews on date for the subscription to find out when it will renew. Partners can see all price lists, both for legacy and new commerce license-based services, in the pricing and offers page in partner center. Partners need to be logged into the partner center to get these pricing files.
Migration APIs and Partner Center migration capabilities have been available since March 2022. Partners can find the mapping between traditional (legacy) and new commerce product SKUs in the legacy offer matrix NCE Mapping tab.
Since March 2022, all new commercial product SKUs are only made available via new commerce. Special segments such as education, nonprofit, and government offers are still only available in the traditional or legacy price list. There are not yet release dates for these special segments in new commerce. Partners that need these special segments can continue to transact by using the traditional or legacy offers.
Partners can get details about which legacy offers map to the new commerce product skus by reviewing the NCE Mapping tab in the new commerce offer matrix. This data in this tab looks similar to the core offer matrix data except there is an extra column Q, which includes the new commerce product sku ID that relates to the legacy offer. Partners can use this data to understand what the product skus that are available in new commerce. Partners can migrate their legacy subscriptions for Migration enabled offers using the migration capabilities in Partner Center's user interface or APIs. Other product skus can be acquired manually if they do not yet support migration. Partners should always consult the price lists to ensure the product sku they are purchasing is what they expect before transacting any offer or product sku in Partner Center.
Partners should use the Partner Center portal or APIs for migrations. However, partners can also manually purchase the new commerce version of the offer, ensure licenses are appropriately assigned and then cancel the legacy offer. This manual approach may be appropriate for some offers that have not yet been enabled for the migration paths. Partners should consult the price lists to verify pricing before any purchases.
Intended migration behavior is for the legacy subscription to only be suspended once a successful path to New commerce is provisioned for the subscription. This action will prevent loss of service if there are any blockers following a Partner initiating migration of a subscription. Additionally, no double billing will occur for both the legacy and New commerce subscription. Once migration has been initiated, billing for the legacy subscription will be stopped to prevent any overlap with billing for the NCE subscription.
When a migration request is submitted, the legacy subscription will be set to a suspended state when the migration begins. A suspended legacy subscription with no corresponding NCE offer will be visible on the subscription list. Additionally, the Get a new commerce subscription migration API request will return a migration status of "Failed" for migrations affected by this error. A partner's next steps are determined by the status of the legacy subscription:
Migrations with "Failed" status with the legacy subscription in a suspended legacy subscription with no NCE subscription creation may take up to seven days from the time of the initial migration request for Microsoft to address the issue. Microsoft will either correct the error and complete migration (successfully creating the migration's corresponding NCE subscription) or will revert the migration on the seventh day. If the migration is successfully completed by Microsoft within seven days, no further action is required by the partner. If the migration is reverted, the legacy subscription will be active again; retry migration in this scenario.
During the period where the legacy subscription is suspended without a corresponding NCE offer created, no service loss will occur. The start of billing for the NCE subscription will align with the date the New commerce subscription was created if Microsoft successfully completes migration. The created New commerce subscription will retain the pricing and promotion specified at the time the migration request was created.
If the legacy subscription is reverted to a pre-migration state (effectively rolling back the migration request), billing of the legacy subscription will resume when the legacy subscription active again; no charges will be made for the period where the legacy subscription was suspended without a corresponding NCE subscription created.
The price list will contain a new value within the A, C, D, and U column, flagging the offers with "DEPR" for retired or no-longer-supported offers. As of March 1, 2022, the offer matrix (OLM) will contain the list of offers that will be retired in a new sheet entitled "Legacy Deprecated." On April 1, 2022, the price list will go out with offers that have been blocked for new purchases marked with "DEPR," and pricing will continue to show up for these offers. Offers that are no longer available for purchase in legacy CSP won't be discoverable via the Partner Center catalog and will be removed from the monthly CSP price lists.
Existing legacy subscriptions will still have the options for the partner to add or remove seats, purchase add-ons, upgrade the subscription through the subscription term, and convert from trial to paid, regardless of the blocking of new commerce purchases from March 10, 2022.
Additionally, the error messaging of Create Order, Create Cart, and Update Cart APIs will reflect available New commerce offers when a partner tries to purchase a blocked legacy offer. If an equivalent NCE offer is available for the blocked legacy offer that was attempted for purchase, the NCE offer's product ID, SKU ID, and availability ID will be provided to the partner through the API message. Note that availabilities may expire, and the provided availability ID may no longer be valid if there's a wait time between the partner receiving the error message and attempting to purchase in New commerce.
The Firefox add-on development platform was migrated in 2017 to a new technology called WebExtensions. This makes it easy to create powerful cross-browser add-ons using web technologies. Throughout 2018, all legacy add-ons and legacy features on AMO are being phased out.
Given that Thunderbird and SeaMonkey still use legacy add-on technology, it was decided it would be easier for the add-on websites to split, so AMO can do away with legacy features and continue its development.
For businesses, the G Suite legacy free edition will no longer be available after June 27, 2022. Your account will be automatically transitioned to a paid Google Workspace subscription where we continue to deliver new capabilities to help businesses transform the way they work. In addition to recent innovations like smart canvas, meetings in documents, and dedicated Spaces to help organize people, topics and projects, Google Workspace includes more storage, increased security, 24/7 support, and more.
Qualifying educational institutions have the option to migrate to a free edition, Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, without service disruption. Nonprofit organizations may be eligible for one of our no cost or discounted Google Workspace for Nonprofits editions.
Google Workspace includes all core services available in the G Suite legacy free edition, such as Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Meet, and Chat. When choosing which Google Workspace edition to upgrade to, we recommend you consider these factors:
The LEGACY COLLECTION is available in two different album styles featuring the finest printing processes available. Please note that all volumes within your legacy collection must be the same print process.
Hello, I wanted to go ahead and share with the community my troubleshoot to get the Legacy mods to work with the republic commando mod if some of you have installed the republic commando mod alongside with the legacy mod you may have ran into a issue where the game would lock up on you and crash such as the video below.Now some others may have encountered this same issue and have been stuck trying to figure out how to troubleshoot this issue well I have the answer to this issue below you will find 4 videos the first 2 videos are non voiced instructions on how to install everything this is more for advanced users who are able to learn by just watching as some prefer to have zero audio so I will be accommodating people who prefer that format. On the other hand I will have 2 With voice videos where I slow things down and slowly walk you through the process of troubleshooting/installing everything this is more for people who are lost from the non voiced instruction videos/require a slower pace as the methods used are a little confusing at first but do work from my testing. Please note that the only thing that the non voiced version don't include in them are how to install the shader patch I explain how to install that in part 1 of the voiced video that's the only thing the NON voiced version doesn't include.
Track which contacts responded to each email sent through the HubSpot email tool. Use that data in reporting, lists, automation (for Professional and Enterprise paid editions only), and view it on the contact timeline. 2b1af7f3a8