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ETKA je zkratka z německého výrazu pro Elektronický katalog dílů vozů skupiny Volkswagen. V současnosti je možné nainstalovat verzi ETKA 8.2. Aktuálně lze na internetu tento software dohledat za 20 usd (cca 460 Kč) avšak lze nalézt i online verze zdarma! Najdete zde tyto značky: Škoda, Audi, VW, Porsche, Seat.
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The title of the journal refers to the ears of corn that are plucked to rub in the hands before the grains can be eaten (Deut. 23:25).Melilah was founded by Edward Robertson and Meir Wallenstein in 1944; the original series is now available online. The journal was relaunched as a New Series in 2004 under the auspices of the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester. The current editors are Daniel Langton and Renate Smithuis, with assistant editor Simon Mayers. The print version of the journal is published by Gorgias Press.
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